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‘Me, Mollser’ at Holy Family GNS Askea

by schoolblog on 20 January 2016 17:58
On Monday 18th January, Abbey Theatre players visited our school, where they put on a performance of ‘Me, Mollser’ to a rapt audience of 5th & 6th class pupils. ‘Me, Mollser’ is based on the character of Mollser, a fifteen year old consumptive who appears in ‘The Plough and the Stars’ by Seán O’ Casey. The play introduced the pupils to Mollser, a strong willed young woman coping with consumption against the backdrop of the 1913 Lock- Out and the Easter Rising. The play proved to be a compelling, funny and poignant monologue performed by Susan, who was supported by Anthony, who helped run the post-show workshop. The play gave rise to post-show interactive discussion with the pupils on topics such as: children’s rights, Easter 1916, life in the tenements, and health and social welfare issues of 1916.




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